Friday, October 11, 2013

Journaling for Success as an Irish Dancer: Part 1

Frog Journal hiding out in my potato plants.

The Mind- Body Connection

No matter who you are or what your ultimate career path happens to be, a connection exists between your mind and body which, in essence, affects every moment of your being.  Whether awake or in the deepest of sleeps, this mind-body connection constantly works creating either “good results” or “bad results” in your life depending on the various events occurring at any given time.  Much of this process goes on unconsciously without you even being aware of it but it ultimately controls your very destiny at present and possibly for years to come.  The good news is that this “energy” can be harnessed and shaped into a force for excellence with just a few simple adjustments.  A dance or life journal will usually reveal some of those areas in your life that need “adjusting!” Read on….

The Four Disciplines that Benefit from Journaling
Keeping a dance or life journal proves to be very beneficial when you desire to concentrate on improving yourself, especially your dancing.  Journals are not just for aspiring authors as everyone is capable of keeping a written chronicle of their daily activities.  Keep in mind that it belongs to you and you alone.  No sharing of your journal with the population at large is required so feel free to write your true feelings and beliefs on those book’s blank pages.  Moreover amazing insights may be gained immediately from your efforts.  Wow!

Per Catherine Schaeffer in her article “Journal This!” in the November 2006 issue of Dance Magazine, journaling helps a dancer in four major disciplines:

-          Physical:  i.e. strength, flexibility, endurance.
-          Technique:  i.e. quality of jumps, turn-out, turns.
-          Artistic: i.e. performance quality, personal style, creativity.
-          Mental: i.e. motivation, confidence, intensity.

All dancers can apply her suggestions (discussed on the next blog) no matter what type of discipline they engage in and reap the enormous benefits gained by working on these specified areas.  

4 Simple Steps on How To Start Journaling

Wondering how to start journaling? Just begin with these four simple steps and create that first journal entry this very day.

1.  Find a book or notebook with blank pages.  The cover choices, sizes, and shapes are as numerous as the stars, literally.  Find one with a cover that inspires or makes you feel good.  The best options include any spiral-bound or hard bound books or even a college ruled school notebook.  In addition buy a new pen or pencil.  One that writes smoothly. (I like to use pencil so that I can erase without making a mess of the pages.)

2.  On the first blank front page write: your name, the start date, name of your dancing school, and your address (in case it gets misplaced.)  Flip to the next page and write the current date on it.  Always date your entries immediately to enable you to chart your progress effortlessly.  Years from now as you reread these valuable gems, you will want to remember when you originally penned your words.

3. These first entries should embrace all the goals you wish to accomplish and the time period you give yourself to achieve them.  Think about this carefully.  Record both short term and long term goals.  Do not jot down any unattainable goals.  For example, a beginner dancer would not be able to attain prizewinner level in all their dances within six months, however, placing at their first feis might be.  Remember nothing is written in stone.  This is just your starting point!  Your goals will change over time so be flexible.     
4. Now make the book your own.  Anytime I work on a journal, I love personalizing the pages with images from my large sticker collection which include pictures of Irish dancers, shamrocks, hearts, flowers, etc.  If you have specific goals that you desire to work towards, such as achieving greater turnout, stickers with words of encouragement and reward, such as “great work” or “You’re a winner,” can be particularly helpful.   Stickers add color and life to your book however; their use is totally up to you.

Go Get Your Journal

Time now to begin your road to improvement with journaling. Go buy a really pretty or fun looking notebook at the store, one that brings out the writing muse in you.  Don’t forget to pick out a pretty writing utensil as well.  Go back home and start to write.

Watch for part 2 of the “Journaling for Success as an Irish Dancer” in the next blog as I give you more specifics on how to get the most from your journaling adventure.

Have fun….and enjoy the dance!

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